OMM Osteopathic manual medicine is hands on body work provided by an osteopathic physician. OMM can help the person’s body function at optimum, through freeing the restrictions in the soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia). Treatment can affect all systems of the body, including the nervous, endocrine, organ, vascular, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems.
History Osteopathy was developed in 1874 by Andrew Taylor Still, MD. Through his study of the anatomy of the body he realized that the body’s many parts are interconnected to make a functional whole. He discovered that through hands on treatment he could change the patient’s physiology and help restore health.
Cranial Osteopathy Cranial osteopathy was discovered by William Garner Southerland DO, a student of A. T. Still, in the early 1900s. Through the study of the anatomy of the cranial bones he discovered a subtle motion palpable within the bones of the head. Later he discerned this motion throughout the body’s tissues.
D.O. vs. M.D. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is provided by an osteopathic physician. Osteopathic physicians have licenses equivalent to MDs. We have license to practice the entire range and scope of medicine. Additionally throughout our training we focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the principles of osteopathy. Many DOs practice alongside their MD colleagues. Others DOs utilize and incorporate the knowledge and skills learned through working with osteopathic principles.
How Does It Work? Osteopathic physicians use their hands to diagnose and treat the anatomy and physiology of the body. We work through the subtle motion of the fascia to address problems in the whole body. Fascia is continuous throughout the body in several layers. It is the dura of the central nervous system surrounding the brain and spinal cord; it covers the bones and organs, and compartmentalizes the muscles, nerves, and arteries throughout the body. When there has been injury or trauma (physical, biochemical, emotional) to the body, the motion of the fascia can become restricted or twisted. A skilled osteopathic physician can feel the change in the fascia and facilitate the release of the motion. When the motion has improved the function of the tissues underneath improves.
What Can Be Treated? Each person is unique and requires individual evaluation and treatment. Traditional osteopathy treats the findings of the physician. Some examples of treatable conditions include: Birth trauma, colic, torticollis, chronic ear infections, learning disorders, ADHD, autism, Digestive disorders, chronic illness, asthma, environmental allergies, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, infertility, seizures, vertigo, emotional trauma, Acute injuries, post-concussion syndrome, post-surgical trauma, whiplash, chronic pain, scoliosis, back and joint pain and dysfunction, TMJ.
Further information on osteopathy is available at The Osteopathic Cranial Academy,